Jakarta – As a concern from Jamkrindo Syariah (Jamsyar) to the community, especially the poor in the Jakarta area who were affected by the spread of Covid-19, Jamsyar collaborated with Dompet Dhuafa and the Sharia Economic Community (MES) to establish synergies in the CEKAL (Preventing) Corona program. This synergy is realized by distributing 1,000 packages of nine-basic necessities in Central Jakarta, namely the Menteng, Pegangsaan, Cempaka Putih, Kwitang and Johar Baru areas, and around the Jamsyar Central Office in Kemayoran.
This activity began by distributing the donation to the representative of the dhuafa in Cempaka Putih, starting from April 1, 2020. The distribution was represented by Endang Sri Winarni as Director of Jamsyar, accompanied by Hendra Setia as Head of Community Service Institutions and Dhoni Marland as General Manager of Resources Mobilization of Dompet Dhuafa.
As one of the entities of Islamic financial institutions, Jamsyar is a Sharia Guarantee company, where its core business is to provide financing guarantees and guarantees for the procurement of goods and / or services as well as other guarantees carried out by Micro, Small, Medium and Large Enterprises. Providing such assistance is a manifestation of one of Jamsyar’s missions, which is to provide benefits for stakeholders.
“The donation we gave today is one form of commitment, and Jamsyar’s concern for the difficulties faced by the poor as a result of the Corona virus outbreak. It is also intended to protect one of the maqashid of sharia, which is to protect lives,” said President Director of Jamsyar, Gatot Suprabowo. “Our help may not be much, but we hope this can ease the burden of our comrades who are also affected by this Corona, and of course we also hope that the virus outbreak will soon end and activities will return to normal,” he concluded.
CCO Dompet Dhuafa, Guntur Subagja explained the focus of handling and anticipation carried out by Dompet Dhuafa is to establish a Crisis Center and help the poor people basic food. “Thanks to Jamsyar and MES who have supported this movement, our focus now is on handling and anticipating the spread of Covid-19 by forming a Crisis Preventing Corona (CCCTC) Center which helps to provide basic needs for the poor, educating clean lifestyles and tips avoid covid-19 transmission, disinfectant spraying in houses of worship, schools, public services, and public areas, providing PPE for medical personnel, and alerting 8 hospitals and 21 Dompet Dhuafa clinics in various regions ,” he explained.
As known, Indonesia is one of the countries affected by the Corona virus pandemic. Based on data from Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 delivered by Achmad Yurianto as a government spokesperson for handling Covid-19, as of Monday (30/3) there were 1,414 positive cases of corona, 75 people recovered and 122 died.