Alhamdulillah, MES Bulletin Edition V / March / 2020 has been published, this time with the theme “KH. Ma’ruf Amin: Father of Sharia Economics in Indonesia “, we present some information including the awarding of the title of Father of Sharia Economics to KH. Ma’ruf Amin, Indonesian Muslim Community Congress. In addition, we also raise information from several regional and regional administrators, among others the return of the BES Belitung and Lampung MES, the new PWK breakthrough from Egypt, the SDG’s MES program in South Sulawesi and the MES NTB silaturrahim with the Governor of BI.
In the freelance article section, we present an article about Price Gouging written by the Chairperson of PWK MES UK. Hopefully this edition of the MES bulletin can provide information and inspiration for the acceleration of sharia economic and financial development in Indonesia. Happy reading. Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh