MES Pekalongan Distribute More Help

Pekalongan – Saturday (18/04) PD MES Pekalongan again channeled some assistance to two Hospital in Pekalongan which became the referral of Covid-19 case patients, namely RS Sultan Palace and the city of Pekalongan.

Secretary General PD MES Pekalongan, Rinda Asytuti explained the purpose of caring movement The Covid-19 is a form of concern from MES of Pekalongan in humanitarian and of MES for the surrounding community. "This movement is a Initiatives conducted by MES area as a form of Khoirunnas Anfa'uhum Linnas, In response to the condition of the community that is currently impacted Covid-19. " He said.

Rinda Also mentions the reason it provides the assistance of the APD to the fighters Medical. "Because many other communities have provided basic food packages and The APD's help is still uncommon for medical fighters. " Obviously Rinda.

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Associated With gathering funds strategy, the future of MES Pekalongan plans to be Raise funds sustainably to reach a wider range of Affected communities and medical personnel. "There are currently three stages, Phase one and two of our concentration assistance in the form of APD, we are planning For stage three later to provide further APD assistance and basic food packages. Any And regardless of the donation we compile we will channel. " He added.

From This movement, Rinda hopes to involve many external parties to and distribute assistance to the community with the right objectives. "This pandemic is a common problem, needed awareness for mutual sustainability, Contribute appropriately. " He concluded.

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PD MES Pekalongan has channeled the Covid-19 care assistance as much as twice the first phase of aid submission conducted on Saturday (11/4). The types of help that are channeled are APD like Hazmat, goggle one med, gloves, hand sanitizer and mask.

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