Humanitarian movement of the MES region

Banyumas – Social activity as a response to the pandemic Covid-19 was performed by PD MES Banyumas on Thursday (23/4). The activity was done by distributing 1,300 rice boxes and 1,300 masks to the community in a number of traditional markets in the area of Purwokerto, Central Java.

Treasurer General manager of the MES of Banyumas, Deddy Purwinto explains a number of help The first stage is given to the people of Purwokerto and the surrounding Covid-19. "Yesterday from PD MES Banyumas gave 1,300 masks to SMES Especially in the traditional market, giving masks was chosen as consideration Government's obligation to require the public to wear masks. " Obviously Deddy

Background The traditional market elections as the recipient of the aid Market is one of the places that remain crowded despite the prohibition. "We choose a traditional market because when this pandemic the market remains crowded, We ourselves have surveyed and apparently there are still many of the merchants and The seller does not wear masks when buying and selling transactions. " Next to Deddy

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Besides Masks, PD MES Banyumas also gave the help of the box rice to the Ojek and a rickshaw. "In addition to masks, we also gave Rice dus for the builders Motorcycle Taxi in Purwokerto area ".

Deddy reveals The next social activity plan will create a communal kitchen to provide Food for free. "Our plans will collaborate by making a communal kitchen Which every day cook and share rice dus for free to The vulnerable and affected, we will help the fulfillment of The benefit of the community. " Details

End Interview, Deddy hopes that this situation can we go through wisely and Immediately recovered into such a state. "Our expectation with MES To educate the public that the importance of the protocol has been established By the government it must be completely executed, this is also one of the efforts To assist the Government in achieving a pandemic with always To educate the use of masks and do not swarm. Hopefully with so Its spread quickly stopped and disconnected.  So that recovery from various sectors of social education economy will Normal returns. "He concluded

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