Islamic Financial Fate Amid Pandemi Covid-19

Islamic Financial Fate Amid Pandemi Covid-19

Jakarta – Monday (13/04) The Central Board of MES again organizes the Sharia Online Talk Series 2nd episode by lifting the Covid-19 theme and its impact on sharia financial growth. This discussion that lasted for almost 1 hour was done live streaming through the Instagram platform with speakers from the MES Central Board, Ali Sakti

The discussion begins with the Covid-19 pandemic explanation that has led to the economic condition of Indonesia being threatened by the crisis. However, the government has issued several policies by providing stimulus to the business and minimizing the risks caused by Covid-19 pandemic.

Central Board of MES, Ali Sakti explains the economic problems facing Indonesia today is a condition different from the previous crisis. “Please be aware that the current economic problems are different than before. First. because the key to the economic problem is the plague, so the condition must be able to control the plague itself and has been agreed by an economic expert that life-saving must take precedence over the economy, because if it is not able to depend on plague then all the theories that rely on economic policy are not valid. “said Ali opens the discussion.

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Furthermore, noting the current developments, Ali was worried about sharia financial conditions, especially sharia microfinance institutions. “Sharia sector is currently more dominated by two parts, namely capital market and banking, the most relevant is the Sharia financial institution that is directly related to the rill sector but in this case I worry is Sharia microfinance institutions. BPRS, KSPPS and BMT serve business units that rely on daily transactions, with the tendency of the work from home that makes people do not prefer doing activities outside the home so that it will directly impact the liquidity. “he added.

Meanwhile, it also explains that the policy of relaxation that has been set by the government can only provide short-term waivers. “For the time being perhaps the relaxation given by the Government would make it lighter if the outbreak was only one month, but the duration of the plague no one could predict. So I think this relaxation does not give a solution to the rill sector because the relaxation is intended for financial institutions, whereas the business sector is the strategic institution of the Sharia financial partners. “

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The man who also served Researcher Bank Indonesia expressed his hope to be done product innovation on Sharia microfinance institutions “I hope there will be innovations made by the business sector, especially the micro-economic sectors that they have a flexible reputation under any circumstances. It can be sought that the crisis condition will also be a product that has increased demand such as health products and related to it, all the products should be considered to be produced quickly so that the business sector can breathe even in such conditions. “

At the end of the discussion, Ali also emphasized the importance of using technology to the fullest in creating economic opportunities amid the pandemic that struck. “It’s time we go up one level where the use of technology will be more than before because the work from home forces us to do a digital-based device, which makes the call to keep the interaction of face to face and risky in the plague conditions to maintain the level of economic transactions that make the economic engine remain the way” he concluded.

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