Jakarta – The development of technology always provides a tantalizing offer in All sectors of life. The business sector became the first line to claim The success of all the benefits gained after the collaboration of the Digital technology on the service in every transaction of community needs. No exception is the transaction of lending services to borrow money based technology Information or are often referred to as Fintech (Financial Technology).
Diversity The community needs of financial services to be a gap in Sharia based innovations. Therefore, MES together Investree works together to host a special Sharia Online Talk Edition with Presenting the theme of "know the Sharia Fintech Halal and Legal" on Thursday (7/5) Through the Zoom meeting app. The Interviewspeaker in the SOT program is PP MES, Azharuddin Lathif and Vice President of Sharia Investree, Arief Mediadeinto.
Discussion Followed by 92 participants were preceded by the exposure of the Investree profile and Transaction flashbacks of barter payment systems in the form of gold, paper based money, ATM card and conical to the platform era that is fintech by offering Various types and functions.
Vice President of Sharia Investree, Arief Mediadeinto explains the factors that Encouraging the formation of a diverse fintech industry is in terms of ease Which is backed by technological adaptations.
"Fintech It's there very much, OJK itself released some typical fintech and because The name of that financial transaction. will be very much kind so that all Financial transaction lines can be added to digital access to facilitate and Comfort. " Vividly
More , the number of industry actors involved in the Fintech industry caused The creation of several associations that focus to overshadow the entire industry Fintech in Indonesia.
"In Industry actors so much so there are some associations that As AFTECH (Indonesian Fintech Association) and AFSI (the Association of Indonesian Shariah Fintech) and AFPI (Joint Funding Fintech Association Indonesia). "He explained
Asked How to identify fintech is legal or not, Arief emphasized that the Fintech must be one of the members of Fintech associations in Indonesia such as AFTECH, AFSI or AFPI.
"So The first and easiest easiest filter to ensure fintech includes safe, good and legal means of making sure that they belong to Fintech Association members, Because one of the requirements of registration and permission from OJK is the fintech Belong to an associate member. "He concluded
While Azharuddin Lathif explains the things that need to be considered in the Transaction in Sharia fintech is the object of transaction must be halal, In addition, the agreement used must also correspond to the context.
"The Debate in fintech is the object that transacted halal Or not, then the agreement used in sharia. The choice of This agreement has the consequences of following the rules of agreement, so suppose Qard then There can not take profit, if you want to benefit use Profit-oriented activism. " Details
More Further, his department also explained about the rulings principle that basically It can be that unless there is a propositions that rebuile it.
"Related Transactions are not allowed if there are gharar elements, Maysir, RIBA and Adverse to either party. While the transaction mejelis Made online are allowed when deemed safe by the state, and secured with a condition that resulted in the absence of The one who is harmed and with each other. "