A slick collaboration between Branch Manager (PC) LAZISNU Jember, MES (Sharia Economics Society) Jember area, Baznas Jember happened in social action in Watu Ulo village, Sumberejo, subdistrict Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember, East Java, Saturday (13/6). The social action of the Food division was targeted by fishermen on the coast of Payangan affected by the Covid-19 in the village.
According to PC chairman of the Board of Amil Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah Nahdlatul Ulama (LAZISNU) Jember, Achmad Fathur Rosyid, the social action was intended to help reduce the life burden of citizens following the adverse effects Covid-19 inflicted. He said that fishermen and living on the coast of the Payangan is quite jeblock the economy as a result of the appearance of the Corona virus.
"We have to do something to help them not to be too soluble in Corona's impact," Rosyid said, his familiar greeting, in between the basic food division in Watu Ulo Hamlet Hall.
Lecturer of the State Islamic Institute of Jember, it added, the assistance for people affected by the Covid-19 will continue to be sought, including one for fishermen and communities around the coast of Payangan. Therefore, Rosyid said, it will continue to knock the hearts of the benefactors to set aside some of the fortune to be donated to those in need.
"Apart from internal managers, the donation source is also derived from the benefactors," he explained.
In the same place, chairman of MES District Jember, H Babun Suharto stated that the economic impact of Covid-19 was quite sharp, more so for the people around the coast of Payangan. Evidently, the stalls are lined up along the road to the beach, close. So is the parking place, quiet from the vehicle. In fact, it is the livelihood of local people.
"It proves that the wheels of the economy are stagnant. Usually the normal days are crowded, let alone holidays such as Saturday and Sunday, "he said.
"It proves that the wheels of the economy are stagnant. Usually the normal days are crowded, let alone holidays such as Saturday and Sunday, "he said.
The former head of the Youth Branch (PC) (GP), Ansor Jember, hopes that the beach community of Payangan remains consistent in addressing the Covid-19, which is complying with health protocols. Adherence to this was part of an attempt to accelerate the ' eviction ' of Covid-19 of Indonesia's Earth. If the Corona virus is already ' gone ' then automatic wheel economy in the tourism sector will also wiggle.
"There is help from the government for the affected residents Covid-19, but ' kan insufficient. We expect the Covid-19 to go immediately so that life can return to normal, and the economy also moves, "he hopes.
In the same place, one of the residents of Watu Ulo, Mr. Enno confirmed that the Covid-19 actually had strangled the neck of society. Because the virus, all economic activities become chaotic.
"We are more afraid not to eat than Corona disease," he said.