MES Tasikmalaya Degree webinars and social help care Covid

Tasikamalaya -The impact of Covid-19 is still a serious specter in influencing turnover Economic Community. The economic uncertainty caused by PSBB has Middle income communities under the circumstances. By Therefore, if this happens continuously without involvement Inter-stakeholder authorities and synergies, are feared Increase the moral hazard action in social community life. To As a community organization that is also concerned with the social activities of Humanitarian, PD MES Tasikmalaya Initiative doing a series of care programs Covid-19 on Monday (18/5) at OJK Tasimalaya Office.

Chairman MES Tasikmalaya, Kartawan explains the faith to organise webinars and gathering the Covid-19 aid fund solely for devotion to In accordance with the functions and trusts that have been assigned to MES Tasikmalaya.

"Concerns To the affected Party for indeed touching all layers of the Especially those who have no fixed income so they are very troubled And as a form of togetherness we try to do the raising. " Details

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Kartawan Continue, the form of caring Covid-19 which has been underway by PD MES Tasikmalaya is the aid of 100 groceries to teachers Ngaji and 1000 masks to Communities in need.

"Because the The social and physical distancing atmosphere, distribution of groceries channeled to 4 Representatives from different sub-districts and masks will be distributed Motorcyclists or who we know they desperately need. " Clear Kartawan

Besides Providing basic food and mask assistance, PD MES Tasikmalaya also organizes Webinars along with FEB University Siliwangi (UNSIL) with the theme of managing Sharia in plague conditions.

"The Seminar We cooperate with the Sharia economy with UNSIL. The theme of management Sharia economy in the Covid period, this is also related to the current conditions of many A friend who has the initiative to raise funds so various generous parties Provide assistance and this needs trust. "he explained

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More Further, his party reveals the purpose of the webinar is to invite Community to participate in supervising the Social fund management process by So as to minimize the moral hazard in practice.

"We To see nationally that this financial management is given the freedom Law means that the chance of moral hazard becomes larger so it needs to be Supervision of all parties so that the funds allocated to Garry are allocated According to the Pertokanya. "He added

Kartawan Also emphasized that honesty is very important in managing Financial. It takes good moral to realize good benefits In normal conditions and pandemic situations.

"The problem Financial management that's the problem in honesty, under normal circumstances Many institutions that are in the financial management of the Trust In times like this there are rules that provide legal immune rules to The management so that it opens a moral hazard opportunity to Crime. "He concluded

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