Reach 200 million donations through Virtual concerts


Jakarta – MES with BNI Syariah and Dompet Dhuafa hosted Dwiki and Friends concert on Sunday (17/5). The event that started at 08.30 WIB is broadcast directly through Facebook MES and YouTube channel Dompet Dhuafa.

The concert music collaboration with the Ami Awards aims to Raise donations for the affected Covid-19 which is packaged in a compelling Music art by presenting several musicians to entertain the community Center of Pandemic. This event is a continuation of the program, CEKAL (prevent The previous Covid 19 took place by inviting several Islamic financial industry such as Jamkrindo Syariah and PNM to distribute Some help from Covid directly to beneficiaries.

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Before the charity concert began, the chairman of II MES, Friderica Widyasari explained That this virtual concert-themed charity concert was one of the Community by MES by inviting Indonesian people to participate in the Help those affected by Covid 19. "Depart from our concern all Against our less fortunate brothers especially in the face of the Garry This, many of our brothers are in need of our helping hands. This is a An event to stir us all, this is a month in Ramadan Full of blessings so go together to help each other. "

Furthermore, the woman who is familiarly familiar with the name Kiki says Collaboration on this program is a new thing organized by MES With Dompet Dhuafa. " Many social activities have been conducted by MES and The first new event that like this, this is very unusual and something First, hopefully not the last one in collaborating. "

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This 2-hour led event hosted by Shafira UMM was successful Raised a fund of approximately 207 million rupiah and was livened up by the Indonesian musicians such as Dwiki Dharmawan, Ita Purnamasari, Is Pusakata, Indah Nevertari, Mario Ginanjar and Nasheed Indonesia.

At the end of the charity concert event was closed with A special appearance by Dwiki and friends singing the song of the Tooth Titled "by mentioning the name of God."

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