Ngalap Ritual Blessings Nuance Pesantren


Implementation In the center of Pandemic has forced the community to engage in activities Worship at home only. Nevertheless, this year's Ramadan remains a Reflection momentum to compete in doing good. In order to Welcome moments like Joy and blessed, MES presents a series of Ramadan Ngaji through Ngabuburit program (Ngaji with Nunggu Bedug Maghrib Arrived) virtually.

Program This ngabuburit can be followed by all community lines because it utilizes the application Zoom Meeting. Ngaji activities held every Thursday and Friday The traditional system of Pesantren Bandongan model. The book that The reference to the study is Al Muamalah al Maliyah.

Often Ramadan in Pesantren, there is a selection of books that will become guidelines By each ustadz in conveying the concept of learning to the students. Management Center of MES, Moch Bukhori Muslim explains the reasons for the book of Al Muamalah Al Maliyah as a reference for Ramadan study.

"We See the participants already have a basic study of Islamic economics in college Higher, then in this study we explained the intent and practice As in the context mentioned in the label. "He explained

More Further, Bukhori emphasized that the Bandongan system was a method Multifunction. Besides obtaining Islamic economics in the perspective of the scholars are also obtained Understanding of grammar.

"The concept Ngaji like yesterday was very good, we learn about the Islamic economy or Muamalat Maliyah of direct Arabic text. Besides we learn the economic material Islamic language as well as we learn Arabic. " He added

In addition, the man who is also a member of the DSN-MUI believes that to obtain the learning of Arabic language effectively required the application of the Bandongan system through a science approach NAHWU and shorof.

"Until Currently the Bandongan method is believed to be very effective to understand the Arabic text A source of Islamic economics Studies in the Book of Salaf. Beginners are also very Beneficial because it can be explained the position of sentences Nahwu Shorof will More precise to understand the meaning of a text. " Said Al-Bukhaari

In line with Bukhori, the Central Board of MES Iman Ni'matallah agreed to approach the Ngaji method of Bandongan that is full of the systematic thinking of the Salaf scholars in Nusantara.

"Ngaji Bandongan as packed by Pesantren Nusantara has advantages Among others can understand the scientific methodology of scholars who compose the essay and understand the Arabic language. " Details

Furthermore, according to faith the concept of Ngaji using a Isnaad thought from the scholars are very interesting to be examined jointly, especially the young generation in the study of scientific traditions.

"The concept Very good, again invite the younger generation to deepen the tradition of has been developed by scholars. It turns out to pay Fiqh is very interesting, not only understand the evidence but also understand the The scholars are doing the law of legal juris, Fiqh. " Pungkas Faith

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Penetrate Physical Distancing limits with Virtual Ngaji

While  It at the same time has also been Program is held by several local managers. One of the agenda The Ngaji was held by PD MES Jawa Tengah with the theme of Islamic business.

District administrator of MES Jateng, Agung, said that the program of Ramadan is a routine activity held annually to educate and literacy the sharia economy in the community.

"This study has actually been a routine program by MES Jateng, a routine program implemented every Ramadan which is usually carried out in the face-to-hand in several places while breaking the fast, but with a pandemic situation we maximize through online. The goal is education and literacy. " Clear Agung

More Information, Agung also declared the background of the selection of the theme Bismillah (business It belongs to Allah) in the Ngaji program this year because it is with the situation Of Islamic business conditions that have been blocked by a pandemic state.

"We Want to have contribution of MES Jateng to the Islamic business conditions in the period of Covid This, later its output wanted to formulate a strategy script against business development Islam will then form a kind of business community. " He explained

Studies Held regularly aimed at the To create Sharia business chains through mediators linking the Various stakeholders by utilizing the digital network of technology.

"We want to build a network of Muslim entrepreneurs, especially those engaged in micro and SMES Sharia to co-jointly in the community with the aim of forming a Syariah Digital Alliance through the website that links between Shahibul Maal namely Sharia financial institutions, BMT as user and MSME as agents." He added

The man who also became a lecturer in one of the Central Java University was pleased with his studies conducted online, his party assumed that the online system gives an advantage that can not be obtained when done offline.

"Previous There have been studies once every two months which have been implemented Face to face, the existence of this Garry makes the Ngaji system become online and It is more effective. The previously held Ngaji system was followed only around 30 participants due to space limitations of the host while with Virtual participants can reach 90 people and the spread of participants is also wider. " He concluded

Besides PD MES Jateng, PD MES Kota Tegal also enhance Ramadan with Several studies held within the internal scope. Management The MES area, Ludy Arlianto reveals the relationship between members of the The virtual Ngaji agenda is an appropriate step In the midst of current pandemic situations.

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"Of course in the current conditions, yesterday was One solution that we can do effectively and more flexibly, Other than Tholabul Ilmi and also uphold without needing to Home. " Unmistakly Ludy

While Ramadan Ngaji has been underway, Ludy stated that there is a sustainability session And the Silaturrahmi will be planned once every two months.

"The Plan After this will conduct regular review every two months with Rotating system if conditions allow, but if still in the atmosphere of Covid We'll be applying virtually. " He said

Not only the MES in the area, PWK MES Malaysia also make Ramadan as the momentum of sharia economic Ngaji virtually. Special territory Manager, M. Mahbubi Ali, explained that there is a shift in event segmentation of internal studies to be public due to the increase of the number of participants from Ramadhan.

"We has two theme criteria that each have a different focus, the theme For internal strengthening and theme issues for the general public, just Because of the many requests so our internal themes open in general, so There is currently no education for internal. " He concluded

More The chairman of PWK MES Malaysia mentioned earlier Ngaji program that This month of Ramadan is a routine study that has been applied by the Malaysia's MES.

"The study Such as Fiqh is already started before Ramadan, there are several sessions that Live face to go. Just a moment of Ramadan and Covid This then we make online. Actually many advanced programs except Takaful Review. " Details

At the end of the interview, his party expressed the motivation to conduct a study in a series is to give science containers, especially in the economic and financial sectors of Sharia.

"Mewadahi The sharia economy and provided three benefits to the people who Stakeholders. Like the manager himself in an intenal study, Provide benefits to the community especially for the TKI and the last Provide benefits to academics and students for the development of Knowledge. " Pungkas Ali

In the same opportunity, before entering Ramadhan, the board of MES of West Nusa Tenggara, Baiq Mulianah also held regular face-to-face studies that followed by an online study.

"Before the Ramadan is there a discussion we do in the café with Segementasi Of millennials to introduce the sharia economy. Then for Ramadan Yesterday theme discussion we adjusted to the moment and utilize the online system As a forum alternative in the middle of pandemic. "he said

Furthermore, Baiq also explained the advantages and disadvantages of implementing both systems of different studies.

"Before the Ramadan we can meet directly and the discussion is more Whereas yesterday when the online system was wider reach but Unstable network, there is a plus a drink but my overall Good taste for us adaptation to the situation. " Details

In addition to the study system, the concept of theme that was carried in Ramadan is also different. The concentration of the theme is the worship of Maliyah in real life.

"We Focus with Ramadan and more to the spirit of worship that has a Consequences not only in ourselves, long-term nature as doing Social responsibility that is ultimately productive. To charity or to do other social kindness. "said Baiq

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