A Seminar on a Virtual Elsya MES Goes to Campus UPI

View First in Ramadan, the Elsya (E-learning) Sharia economics program goes to Campus with UPI broadcast directly through YouTube channel MES and Via the Zoom meeting app on Tuesday (19/5). Ongoing Online seminars For almost 2 hours this theme is “Sharia Microfinance in the center of pandemic.”

Event That is being supervised by Elsya MES aims to provide education related to Economic and financial issues as well as a gathering event to various Universities in Indonesia. Present as A speaker of Euis Amalia, A. Jajang W. Mahri, and Aas Nurasyiah followed by approximately 300 participants online, consisting Of the general public, students and academics.

Chairman The Prodi and the Islamic economics and Finance of UPI, A. Jajang W. Mahri Explained That a topic that is carried out is an issue of Islamic economic interest and relevant Sharia microfinance situation in the Covid-19 situation “

“The topic Very interesting and in accordance with the calamities that are currently experienced, such as It is known that most people are in small sector business. More Of 90% of people work in the informal sector and they are severely hit With the condition due to the Covid-19 outbreak. ” Obviously Jajang

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More Information, Jajang revealed in addition to the informal sector, sharia microfinance Also experienced a deep blow due to the Covid-19.

“When This small sector cannot be broadly active and affects the Their income. Because access to financial is very limited, some They will seek assistance to microfinance institutions, especially micro- Sharia. But the impact of this Garry also impacts on liquidity in every Sharia microfinance institutions. “He added

Besides Discussing economic and financial issues of Sharia, on the sidelines of the discussion of PP In the MES, Euis Amalia invites participants to study using Online system in the selection of such learning by using the Elsya Mes.

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“Far Away Before the onset of Covid-19, MES already had one long-distance model of E-Learning Sharia economics. Let’s join the economic e-learning To jointly develop unrestricted learning Distance and time “he explained

Besides An introduction to online-based learning, women who also Currently a great teacher UIN Jakarta offers an alternative source of funding Sharia microfinance.

“The source The funding must change can not only rely on members for cooperatives or third party funds for venture capital, but there is also another access Government such as LGDP, revolving funds, People’s Business credit (KUR), Crowdfunding Through fintech, and Bank Waqf “he

In The final discussion, the chairman of the UPI Syariah Banking Lab, Aas Nurasyiah emphasized Difference between conventional and micro Sharia microfinance.

“That In Sharia microfinance became integrated in the form of the Ethics and social, for example there is a Sharia financial model in Bandung It was within one week of her companion to the perpetrators Financing for spiritual mentoring, it is a distinct With conventional. ” Nurasyiah

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