Muslim Youth as a locomotive of economic self-reliance


Departing Awareness of Islamic activists often criticize how Political social policy goes a beat in people's lives. All The Islamic Youth organization also took the initiative to attract other focuses that have And contact people's lives. Aspects is a sector of independent and sovereign economy. The description of both This aspect is then described by Firman Rizal as the Chief Coordinator Wednesday Hijra in interviews on Thursday 30/4.

"We This is always struggling or then talking about social politics but speaking About the economy we are not sovereign, these underlying things become a Collective awareness that the level of economic independence among Islamic youth Still far from the independent word. "Clear the word

Word Also emphasized that the foundation of economic self-reliance Ummah as focus by youth Islam is a correct decision and right on target based on consideration Findings of the data obtained in the field.

"And This is evident in the FGD forum with the Kemenpora, in the forum was submitted That approximately 60% of the majority of the millennial children are unemployment and An ideological identity is Islam. "  He said

More Word explaining the early point of awakening the spirit of Islamic youth in For the economic independence of Ummah was obtained from the meeting of youth Muktamar Islam (MPI) in 2019 followed by several Islamic youth activists Indonesian.

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"Alhamdulillah The Mukatamar is covered by 22 youth organisations, Islamic students and This resulted in a joint agreement on the great theme that would The foundation of the movement of Wednesday, i.e. the economic rise of Ummat.

In The early journeys undertaken by this Islamic Youth movement, the word Received a good reception from the government, namely the Wapres Jusuf Kalla.

"It turns out When we schedule a meeting with Mr. Jusuf Kalla AS Vice President, he appreciates and agrees with reality conditions in the midst of People who mention that the current percentage of 81% Ummah Muslims have a A tremendous potential if economically they are categorically established. "He added

Besides The MPI, the Islamic youth activist also held a roadshow by inviting Characters who have the same sentiments towards the revival of Ummat Economics. The purpose of the roadshow is to encourage Ummah To rise from the economic side.

"Post- MPI we are working on the Wednesday Hijrah Roadshow which focuses on the theme of revival The Ummah economy by inviting prominent figures such as Muhammad Lutfi Who had served as Minister of Trade during President SBY and Yenny Wahid as a prominent female figure. "he said

Word Also reveals the reason for the the Wednesday Immigration roadshow is a desire To invite all Muslim entrepreneurs to synergize and collaborate Create an independent economy.

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"We Coordination with HIPMI, an association and businessman who conjoined the economy We would like to invite the group to make the movement a big And that what dicita-citakan it could be realized. "He explained

As for This Wednesday movement is a container that encourages millennials To enter the business world and as a place where the stakeholders That will provide assistance to the process of Implementation.

"Actually There are 3 things we do namely spur the millennials to sovereign Economically, the second is we encourage support from the government and They are positive towards the awakening of the Ummah and the third is a collaboration that encourages community mentoring. " Clear Word

While , the philosophy of naming the name Wednesday Hijrah is a desire for a The moment and the change towards the better. Considering the definition of Wednesday is A time marker and an immigration is the definition of the process of change to a That leads to kindness.

"Wednesday is a day and time it means a lot to be a reminder, there is momentum Or there is a topic that we always lift and connect, while the immigration Public is like the one who has not hijab switched using hijab and Then we mean the economic side that we want to touch towards better. "He concluded

Years This Wednesday Hijra held in the month of Ramadan by presenting talkshow Which presents several public figures and raises a large theme of the issue Continuous and ongoing development of the Ummah- Directly through Zoom Meeting and Wednesday Hijrah's YouTube channel.

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